Thursday, December 17, 2009


It was the worst accident of my life
Reality came crashing into me
My dreams lay bleeding to death
In a thousand shattered peices.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Vicious Cycle of ME !!

So when you talk... you express
When you express divulge
When you divulge...Your judged
And when your judged it god damn sucks..
Therefore I conclude...
I don't want to talk…express…divulge and be judged…
I just want to be me…
Even if that means talking to myself…
Cause no matter how much I judge myself
In the end I still wake up to myself and fall in love again...
With the same old me...who talks…expresses…divulges and in the process is judged…

Friday, November 20, 2009

My Time

Stalled between bumper to bumper traffic...
As greenday strums "Time of Your Life"
Cant help but realise...
Far from warm famlial surroundings...
Standing lonesome ...with a crowded head...
No one to answer...No one to ask...
Master of my own success....
Blaming only me for all my mistakes...
My risks...My life....
Before a husband comes along...
dictating life ....just like the parents did once upon a time...
Making mistakes and learning everyday...
Making more mistakes and unlearning everyday...
Changing everyday
Today's pink and tommorow's grey....
Fickkle minded and restless...
Ambitious...Proactive...yet Careless
Living it my way...the only way
Hope You have Yours Too..!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Rat Revelation !!

Welcome to our lil office with lil lil cubicles housing the lil lil geniuses that churn out big big marketing plan. That’s not all. We just found lil lil rat babies snuggly growing inside one of our desk drawers. I don’t know why but they chose a drawer filled with our case studies. Talk about on the job training!

To give them their due they’ve done a good job as our natural paper shredders. Now confidentiality won’t ever be an issue with us.

Among the myriad of reactions was screaming and shouting in ear piercing decibels. Damn they screwed my after lunch power nap.

While the fairer sex was found climbing on chairs and desks…the men folk were guilty of having fun at their expense. The conversations then oscillated between the squalor and dirt that the rats usually represent and the haunting feeling of opening other drawers subsequently.

The fact that these lil harmless rats can scare the shit out the Account Directors and Managers who are immune to tortures target meets and national sales conferences, is indeed hilarious.

The poor new HR was then confronted with petitions and complaints about how this matter needs to be taken up with the management. Do we make a presentation or do we have a candle and cheese march, Cheese for the obvious reasons.

I should however admit that I myself do house an inherent pest aversion. They repulse me to no end.

The fact that I have summoned up enough courage to actually write about this horrid experience should tell you that the entire exercise transformed a dull boring afternoon into one of chaos, confusion and fear.

As I type this piece I am feeling itchy and creepy and its time I actually got away from my seat and fearfully checked my drawer as well.

Wish me luck

Winter Freezes...!!

As the depressing winter creeps in

The days become shorter…the nights longer

Dwelling in nostalgia

Thoughts of happier times cripple me…

Every whiff…every word of every song…

Reminds me…mocks me…derides me…

I long for those foggy nights

Those peels of laughter

That incessant banter

The conspicuous knock on the door..

The smell of the quilt….

That stack of books…

The mountain of ash…

The melted ice cubes…

I miss myself the most..

What have I become …

I can’t decipher…I don’t recognize…

Monday, September 7, 2009

Coz words dont SCREAM !!

I could scream and I could shout
I could contemplate and I could argue
I could fight and I could defend
But I choose to type
And type I did…
When you say I have changed
I am catapulted into a pondering state
I dwell, and I think and I mull over it
I count my friends and I count my foes
Thankfully the latter is outnumbered by the former
Or at least I think so
And I will continue to believe so till proven otherwise
The ugly truth that does rear its ugly head
Is hard to digest
I am left to fend for myself like every other lonesome soul out there
The typing doesn’t help
Coz words don’t scream.
So I will scream and I will shout
I will contemplate and I will argue
And if the need arises I will fight and I will defend
I have not changed
I am the same old me
All I ask is a little patience and you will see
The me myself and I
All I ask of you is to not judge me
When the whole world out there is at it with an assumed vengeance
I am trying
Trying really hard
To fit in
To being one of you
I can be a part of the herd
I can be that every other face that you encounter
I can be the crowd if you want me to
But then what happens
To the very reasons you liked me in the first place
You can like me for who I am
Or dislike me for what I’m not
The ball in your court now
Take your pick
Full Stop !!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Water water everywhere...!!

As much as I tried to avoid writing this article I did end up typing it, only because I knew its the only way I can calm the storm that’s been brewing up there in my brain. Surprised don’t be I always had one.
At the outset let me get one thing straight. I hate rain. I do and as a result I could never understand why people in general like “a good book and some coffee” on a rainy day. It’s beyond my understanding. The smell of rain fails to induce any emotions in me. The grey sky actually ends up depressing me and the traffic snarls get me all hyper and irritated, not to mention the thousand puddles that take your car into a flying gear without even trying.
Why it’s of extreme consequence for me to write this is because my entire life I have been praying for rain. Believe it. It’s ironical and that’s what I realized today. When your father is a commercial agriculturist by profession then rain automatically assumes an unparallel importance to your life. By praying for rain I don’t mean getting two monkeys married or dancing naked to please those gods up there. But just that our prayers in bed used to always contain the rain factor.
Coming back to rain in the Indian context I fail to comprehend how it suddenly acts as an aphrodisiac for most couples. “Wow bike rid in the rain.” “Wow magi and chai date.”
I mean after just a few droplets almost two thirds of my entire facebook entourage can’t stop raving about rain and their plans centered in and around it.
You go to the market and realize that the generators are constantly droning emitting thick smoke and it’s not a pleasant experience to shop by any means. So the book and coffee is gone and so is the shopping.
Eating well that’s an eternal pleasure some rain or shine so even the rains cant interfere in that department.
All I am saying is that I shouldn’t have to think twice about wearing my new shoes or carrying my new bag.
Now that I have rambled on and on about how much I detest rain, I think the Gods up there have taken it personally and stopped all form of rain. Well its time to talk about the heat now which I detest even more than rain.
What the hell! Don’t blame me; blame it on the weather man.
As I continue to pray for more rain please wake me up when September ends!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

I hate them,Butterflies

That one elusive interview call comes when you least expect it,
“Hi this is the HR head from RC&M, come with your entire portfolio and kit”,

Because PUNCTUALITY is a sin I often indulge in, I reach much earlier than required,
Left with two torturous floors to be climbed after a suitable parking space has been acquired.

Why did you leave your previous organization they ask?
Simply because Even PRETENDING to work out there was becoming a task,

Those butterflies return every time I answer my phone,
Couldn’t really hear the HR Head above the generators constant drone

You have got the job he says with a smile in his voice,
The epitome of indecisiveness I am left to make a very hard choice

A new day, a new company, much nicer people,
The new business card, the laptop and all to myself an entire cubicle.

Shunting from department to department, I sprint through my induction,
The HR head acquaints me with a glorified almost unbelievable introduction.

With all the “Hi’s” and “Hello’s”, “Nice to meet you they say”!
Start with UNLEARING first, I am told is my first task for the FIRST DAY.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

" I "

I create I destroy
Therefore I regret

I want I yearn
Therefore I make

I dream I desire
Therefore I built

I Learn I Unlearn
Therefore I grow

I hurt I heal
Therefore I am

I laugh I cry
Therefore I bond

I love I hate
Therefore I survive

I scream I shout
Therefore I feel

I can I should
Therefore I will

Friday, June 26, 2009

Micheal Walks To The Moon !!

Ode to Michael & to Music

Writing about music is like dancing about architecture.”

As gravity defies the moon walker…with a heavy heart I accept his sad demise… history comes to an end finally…he was more than just a legend….someone whose life was dedicated to music ….someone who has had such a profound influence on generations of music lovers…it wont be easy….it will be some time before it sinks in…
He grew up in the most unusual circumstances and still made it to where he did… the motivation and passion was inherent and probably the disturbed childhood did push him beyond the obvious….
He exemplified talent and how it can transform you from being just another loser to maybe the most celebrated artist in the world.
How many of us know people who hate the color of their skin and still become a pride for their own community.
Lucky are those who know what they love and he knew beyond that…he knew he had in him combined with a belief and creativity of an artist…
He had issues like most of us do but what sets him apart is what he chose to do about those issues.
Amidst the umpteen scandals ….he did not seize being Michael…he stood his ground and very firmly that too.
For me he is the that worn out cassette tape that I blasted each time I was happy… the CD I would buy just for one song…that would play on repeat mode…the dance moves that were the life of every birthday party I ever attended …and the thousand mimicry competitions in school .
His unconventional style became more than just a fad and soon we saw the evolution of white gloves. His videos were intriguing…they displayed his sense of what the future might look like…they expressed a state of mind so conspicuous that they left you gasping for more.
He was instrumental in not only his growth but also made sure that everyone around him got onto the same ladder….We saw MTV evolve with his music…from thousands of Michael Jackson fests to umpteen moon walking competitions …music channels basked in his gargantuan glory….no Billboard countdown was ever complete without a song from him….there was silver there was gold and then platinum…he had it all…there is no award of recognition that could celebrate him enough.
As the news percolates in the daily lives of all those he touched, there must be a million hearts out there that skipped a beat or two.
And I am just one twenty something girl whose sad. I was looking forward to his London Concert at least on DVD if not in person.
As I go about my mundane job I know that I will be flooded with memories the entire day.
Indeed BLOOD IS ON THE DANCE FLOOR quite literally.

Every time I’ll look at the moon, I’ll think of you.”

Tanvir Kohli

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I dream...!!

I dream of empty roads and signals always green
I dream of a world which isn’t so mean

I dream of friends always available
I dream of memories which are indelible

I dream of bonuses at work
I dream of killing my boss, the jerk

I dream of wealth and happiness
I dream of a room minus all the mess

I dream of a super fast car
I dream of travelling to places near and far

I dream of the cute guy’s smirk
I dream of riding the latest merc

I dream of having those beautiful curls
I dream of that flawless string of pearls

I dream of a heart racing plunging dive
I dream of a break from this life

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Line Between Facts and Opininons is being Obilterated...

FACT: A fact is based on direct evidence, actual experience, or observation.

OPINION: It shows one's feelings about a subject. Solid opinions, while based on facts, are someone's views on a subject and not facts themselves.

What people deduce and make out of facts shows their own thought process and individuality which becomes their own opinion.
The point of contention though is that facts don’t change but opinions do and there lies the beauty of the human mind. Every man interprets the same given facts in different ways.
Although I still believe that facts are free, opinion is sacred.
Exemplified perfectly in the world today where everyone is out to sensationalize every little detail, twisting and distorting facts to make their papers sell or increase TRP ratings.
The heart of the problem is that the division between factual news reporting and opinion has become increasingly merged as newspapers pursue political agendas and seek to draw attention to themselves in a hyper-competitive market.
When our media is more interested in reporting opinions as facts, how will we ever discover the truth?
And are we actually willing to know the truth of are we just maintaining this transparent veneer of respectability by deriving a sadistic pleasure out of these mundane issues being blown up in proportion and displayed as breaking news every second on these news channels umpteen in number.
All I am trying to say is that though a fact doesn’t change it might never entirely be true.

'Never mistake a fact for the truth'

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What's on MY mind??

This has been inspired by the "whats on your mind" status tab on facebook.Its almost a creative orgasm every morning when i put a new status and await comments from friends and the like.

What's On My Mind....
The client who never answers his phone...
The generators constant drone...
The sweltering heat of this summer...
Just the thought of which makes me shudder...
My brown kurtas' tassles
Just about everyday hassles...
Amidst the thousand client lists...
The bombings by the terrorists...
Did I circle the next public holiday...
Why did they ever make a MONDAY
While I am busy popping the bubble wrap...
Shit! The client wanted the Delhi Metro Map...
Evenings are usually spent watching the IPL...
Hoping and praying somebody invents a WISHING WELL...

Monday, January 5, 2009


Immune to disappointment, numb with disbelief
Waiting for this life to turn a new leaf.

Unaware that my soul has long been dead and my spirit worn out
The symptoms though shreiked out loud.

In the form of acute aches flowing in the teary rain
My shivering hands accompanying my frozen brain.

What is it with the cold outside
Or shall i say the world outside.

Engulfing me in a lathargic rigour
Like the ripples of a deadly fever.

With ever increasing seismic circles
It makes my laughing lines look like wrinkles.

My life's contractions come in endless pangs
Is it just me or as the weepies once sang.

"I'm standing still...and the world spins madly around"