Friday, June 26, 2009

Micheal Walks To The Moon !!

Ode to Michael & to Music

Writing about music is like dancing about architecture.”

As gravity defies the moon walker…with a heavy heart I accept his sad demise… history comes to an end finally…he was more than just a legend….someone whose life was dedicated to music ….someone who has had such a profound influence on generations of music lovers…it wont be easy….it will be some time before it sinks in…
He grew up in the most unusual circumstances and still made it to where he did… the motivation and passion was inherent and probably the disturbed childhood did push him beyond the obvious….
He exemplified talent and how it can transform you from being just another loser to maybe the most celebrated artist in the world.
How many of us know people who hate the color of their skin and still become a pride for their own community.
Lucky are those who know what they love and he knew beyond that…he knew he had in him combined with a belief and creativity of an artist…
He had issues like most of us do but what sets him apart is what he chose to do about those issues.
Amidst the umpteen scandals ….he did not seize being Michael…he stood his ground and very firmly that too.
For me he is the that worn out cassette tape that I blasted each time I was happy… the CD I would buy just for one song…that would play on repeat mode…the dance moves that were the life of every birthday party I ever attended …and the thousand mimicry competitions in school .
His unconventional style became more than just a fad and soon we saw the evolution of white gloves. His videos were intriguing…they displayed his sense of what the future might look like…they expressed a state of mind so conspicuous that they left you gasping for more.
He was instrumental in not only his growth but also made sure that everyone around him got onto the same ladder….We saw MTV evolve with his music…from thousands of Michael Jackson fests to umpteen moon walking competitions …music channels basked in his gargantuan glory….no Billboard countdown was ever complete without a song from him….there was silver there was gold and then platinum…he had it all…there is no award of recognition that could celebrate him enough.
As the news percolates in the daily lives of all those he touched, there must be a million hearts out there that skipped a beat or two.
And I am just one twenty something girl whose sad. I was looking forward to his London Concert at least on DVD if not in person.
As I go about my mundane job I know that I will be flooded with memories the entire day.
Indeed BLOOD IS ON THE DANCE FLOOR quite literally.

Every time I’ll look at the moon, I’ll think of you.”

Tanvir Kohli

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I dream...!!

I dream of empty roads and signals always green
I dream of a world which isn’t so mean

I dream of friends always available
I dream of memories which are indelible

I dream of bonuses at work
I dream of killing my boss, the jerk

I dream of wealth and happiness
I dream of a room minus all the mess

I dream of a super fast car
I dream of travelling to places near and far

I dream of the cute guy’s smirk
I dream of riding the latest merc

I dream of having those beautiful curls
I dream of that flawless string of pearls

I dream of a heart racing plunging dive
I dream of a break from this life

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Line Between Facts and Opininons is being Obilterated...

FACT: A fact is based on direct evidence, actual experience, or observation.

OPINION: It shows one's feelings about a subject. Solid opinions, while based on facts, are someone's views on a subject and not facts themselves.

What people deduce and make out of facts shows their own thought process and individuality which becomes their own opinion.
The point of contention though is that facts don’t change but opinions do and there lies the beauty of the human mind. Every man interprets the same given facts in different ways.
Although I still believe that facts are free, opinion is sacred.
Exemplified perfectly in the world today where everyone is out to sensationalize every little detail, twisting and distorting facts to make their papers sell or increase TRP ratings.
The heart of the problem is that the division between factual news reporting and opinion has become increasingly merged as newspapers pursue political agendas and seek to draw attention to themselves in a hyper-competitive market.
When our media is more interested in reporting opinions as facts, how will we ever discover the truth?
And are we actually willing to know the truth of are we just maintaining this transparent veneer of respectability by deriving a sadistic pleasure out of these mundane issues being blown up in proportion and displayed as breaking news every second on these news channels umpteen in number.
All I am trying to say is that though a fact doesn’t change it might never entirely be true.

'Never mistake a fact for the truth'