Tuesday, November 8, 2011

After swiping 13 k straight from my saving
I learnt that
A crappy piece of technology I was so longing for
Fails to make me happy
I realize that happiness is not this

I realize happiness is in moments
Happiness is in memories
Happiness is in the feelings in those memories..!!

Its the discovery of money in the pocket of your god for saken denims
Its the last piece of chocolate
Its the song that u cant get enough of ...
Its knowing that you have lost a kilo
Its the feeling of hugging your mother ...
Its reaching home in a tank of petrol that's blinking RESERVED!!!

Its in doing all the wrong things and knowing them..!!

Its just a feeling...!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Listen !!

Times when you'de

Rather Shut up....

Coz Life is trying to SAY something...!!


Saturday, September 24, 2011


An Epiphany if you may call it that..
When the realization dawns
That life has been moving in "Autopilot"
For too long...

Don't be a spectator ....
Participate in your life....
Create your own Destiny...

Be your own GOD..!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Luxury I cant Afford...!!

So am I allowed...?

To be scared...
To be skeptical...
For once to hesitate .....
To mull....
To think twice...

Or is it a luxury i cant afford?

Am I just supposed to be this heartless too "sure -of -her self---everything- will -be- alright" sorta girl all the time...!!

Life has its twisted ways to pick at you....!!

But scared is good....And so is pain...!!

At least I can feel my heart beating...!!
And my Head Pounding....!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Your Idea of You!!

So mull over this...
What would you be like ....if you knew you wernt being watched...
Would you make more mistakes ......or rather would you make the same mistakes....?
Yes I can very well be my own problem...only if they let me that is...
Dont put your burden of expectations on me .....and then call it my mistake...
Struggling to be what you think of me...!!
Who cares about what is my idea of me..?